(BPT) - A warmer planet means more mosquitoes. These insects are more than an itchy nuisance. A bite from an infected mosquito can lead to diseases. If planning a trip this holiday season to where the mosquitoes are, here are five ways you can protect yourself before you travel:
Mosquito-borne diseases can be very serious. The symptoms of Chikungunya, for example, include joint pain, arthritis-like symptoms, fatigue and potentially debilitating effects which can last for months or even years. Many who experience severe infection never fully recover.4,5 Incidence of Chikungunya has now been reported in more than 110 countries.6 Visit www.chik-a-what.com to learn more.
More mosquitoes and higher incidence of mosquito-borne diseases are becoming the new normal. More awareness and preparation should be, too.